
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Biblical vs. Cultural vs. Lack of Education

Biblical vs. Cultural vs. Lack of Education

Pregnant at 13 years old.

Marrying at 16 years old.

Living with your parents until they die or you get married.

Feeding your infant soda.

Leaving your 3 children under 5 years old home alone.

Taking blood pressure meds only when you "feel bad".

Telling your child you will give them away if they misbehave.

Being a Christian means going to church.

These are aspects of our ministry that we are presented with regularly. How do we respond?

When one of the girls (18 yrs) I mentor shares with me that she is pregnant and is pushing to have a rush wedding with her boyfriend before she starts to show... Rejoice or weep?

When the 35 year old man is still living at home with his mother, isn't working, and doesn't help her financially... Ignore him? Chastise him? Tell him to get a life? Tell her to cut the cord?

When the mother tells her child she will send them with me (Ashley) back to the United States if they don't do what they are supposed to... Be offended? Reject her friendship? Assume she's a bad mother? 

When "good" appearances and reputation are enforced rather than a relationship with the Lord. Argue? Start adjusting my appearance to fit their expectations? Do the opposite of following their "rules" and ignore their disapproval?

“My own eyes are not enough for me;

I will see through those of others.”

― C.S. Lewis

Please pray for me. That I will love - not with my own limited love, but the unconditional, unfathomable love of Jesus.